Collie Puppy House Training Timeline

My puppy training book is called Respect Training for Puppies: 30 Seconds to a Calm, Polite, Well-Behaved Puppy. I'll show you my proven step-by-step training method for teaching your puppy all the words he needs to know, plus consistent household rules and routines, housebreaking, crate training, acceptance of being handled, calmness.
Collie puppy house training timeline. But with potty training, you really want to avoid giving your puppy the opportunity to eliminate inside. You can find out exactly how to do this inside The Flawless Potty Training Guide. #12. Common Mistakes You Should Avoid. There are some common mistakes that could make potty training your German Shepherd puppy go less smoothly than you intend. Crate training can also start during this stage and can help with potty training and separation anxiety. “If he pees or poops in the crate, just clean it,” Siracusa says, adding that this is the time puppies should get used to staying in the crate. Puppy Trick Training. Border Collies are really smart dogs and learn things pretty quick. However when dealing with a puppy, you can’t jump into training with complicated tricks. You start off simple and then build on it. 3-6 Months – Start teaching your Border Collie puppy the basics. Puppy stage: By 6 months. By this age, your growing puppy should be well-versed in several lessons. Training goal #3: Polite play. Puppies who learn the lesson of polite play know when to stop.
Tip #7: Don't Rely on Puppy Pads and Newspaper. Although dogs can be transitioned away from them, it makes the house-training process more complicated. I often see canines who are trained to go on pads as puppies, but they're not allowed to do so as adults, which only leads to confusion and accidents in the home. Google+ Feed them the same puppy food as they had before and keep the same routine with small, regular meals. Continuing puppy toilet training by rewarding them when they go outside. 12 weeks onwards - puppy training and socialisation. Your puppy can have their second vaccinations around now, also ask your vet about worming, flea treatment and neutering. You are never truly done training your puppy. Even adult dogs need regular training to keep them sharp. By this time, house training should be basically complete. Now is a good time to fine-tune obedience training. Continue to practice basic commands like sit, stay, and down. Add more advanced things, like roll over. Start housetraining your pup the moment he comes home. It is important, and surprisingly easy, to train your puppy without him making a single toilet or chewing mistake. Each mistake will make training considerably more difficult. Puppies quickly establish toilet habits and even a single mistake heralds many more in the future. Also, punishing puppies for soiling the house or making chewing.
Signs to Keep an Eye on During Teething . While it can vary somewhat between breeds, there is a progression you can expect as your puppy develops new teeth. It's important to begin handling your puppy's mouth while it's young so you can periodically check for any potential tooth problems. Any type of facial swelling, changes in eating habits, unexpected night awakenings, or rubbing of the face. When looking at the following puppy growth stages, keep in mind that the puppy development timeline are generalizations and your puppy may progress more quickly or slowly in their life stages. QUICK RECOMMENDATION: If you’re raising and training a new puppy then you’ll want to check out Doggy Dan’s Puppy Program . 4 ways to make puppy training easier 1) The first way to make puppy training easier is to confine your pup whenever you're not interacting with him. It's easier to train a puppy when you don't let him loose in your house. The FIRST step to indoor calmness and better behavior is to control your puppy's movements in the house. Puppy training should start very early – as early as 8 weeks old! If you wait until your dog is older, perhaps as much as 6 months, you might regret it. “By 6 months of age, almost all behavior problems are already in place,” says Dr. Carmen Battaglia. Dr. Battaglia has studied the effects of early socialization and development in puppies.
The Puppy In Training Timeline is a series of articles chronicling my life with dogs and puppies. Basically it’s the long version of my “About Me” page and helps to show the influences in my life that led to where I am today with my dogs, puppies, and my writings on the Puppy In Training website. Puppy In Training Timeline Part 2 Border Collie Obedience Training. Those who have Border Collies, keeping their houses in order and mess free is a big challenge and that is why training your collie to obey your house rules is important. Under obedience training you teach your dog how he/she should socially behave. Play. Have fun. When the puppy finds you more valuable than the surroundings, and you have focus and desire to work it's time to progress. It seems like people have way too many expectations of their dogs and puppies. It takes YEARS to make a good dog brilliant. Regardless if they are a house pet, a herding dog, an agility dog, an obedience dog. The Puppy In Training Timeline is a series of articles chronicling my life with dogs and puppies. Basically it’s the long version of my “About Me” page and helps to show the influences in my life that led to where I am today with my dogs and my writings on the Puppy In Training website. Puppy In Training Timeline Part 1